Clear the Path   Words: Brenton Prigge © 2005 New Hymn CCLI # 4635428

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© 2005 Brenton Prigge


CCLI license holders may freely use and reproduce these lyrics, provided that CCLI copyright protocol is followed. (See Copyright Info)

Suggested Tune VILLE Du HAVRE ( and refrain)

1. Those dry desert places at times invade our hearts,
where we wander lost and unsure,
'till we hear the cry now to "Make straight the path!"
We need you now as ever before!
Clear the path (clear the path) to our hearts (to our hearts)!
Clear the path; clear the path to our hearts!

2. On this broken planet where sin and death abound,
the darkness soon breeds grim despair.
How desperately we need the hope-filled sweet sound;
of the prophecy that fills the air:
He's the King (He's the King), Jesse's Root (Jesse's Root)
He's the King, He will rule in our Hearts!

3.  In this sparkling world where the season is for sale,
the reason is buried in snow,
and Your greatest truth is made all fairy tale,
how we all need to hear, need to know:
He's the King (He's the King), Son of God (Son of God)
He's the King, clear the path to our hearts!

4.  The spirit of Christmas is not in tinsel town,
or bright shining lights on a tree;
the Spirit you give us is Wisdom and Pow'r;
He's the Spirit who helps us to see:
Christ the King (Christ is King), Jesse's Root (Jesse's Root)
He's the King, He will rule in our Hearts!

5.  So, Lord, clear our hearts of the clutter and the grime,
and sing once again of your peace -
of wolf with the lamb, of the calf with the lion -
when the crying forever will cease!
Clear the path (clear the path) to our hearts (to our hearts)!
Fill our hearts; Fill our hearts with your peace!

He's the King (He's the King), Son of God (Son of God)

Clear the path, He will rule in our hearts!


Based on Revised Common Lectionary (A) for 2 nd Sunday in Advent :

Isaiah 11:1-10; Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19; Romans 15:4-13; Matthew 3:1-12