Speak your love Words & Music: Brenton Prigge © 2005 New Hymn CCLI # 6270056

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© 2005 Brenton Prigge


CCLI license holders may freely use and reproduce these lyrics, provided that CCLI copyright protocol is followed. (See Copyright Info)

May also be sung to tune BERLIN ( and refrain.)

If the old now dream your dreams

And the young your visions see,

Come then, Spirit, make us bold,   

That these wonders may be told:   


Holy Fire, Come and renew -

Change us to bring change for you.

Heal our land, transform the world,

Flood our hearts and make us bold.

May we now, both old and young,

Speak your love in every tongue.


If you show your wonders, Lord,

Both in heaven and on earth

Show them in the way we love -

Since your love showed us our worth


Breath of God, Come and renew -

Change us to bring change for you.

Heal our land, transform the world,

Flood our hearts and make us bold.

May we now, both old and young,

Speak your love in every tongue.


Save us Lord from these extremes:

Busy people without dreams,

Visionaries without deeds .

Give us dreams and make them breathe.


Stream of Life, Come and renew -

Change us to bring change for you.

Heal our land, transform the world,

Flood our hearts and make us bold.

May we now, both old and young,

Speak your love in every tongue.


Body: one! in Spirit: one!

Build your Body, make us strong.

One in Christ to serve the One;:

Send us out - your will be done.


God of Love, Come and renew -

Change us to bring change for you.

Heal our land, transform the world,

Flood our hearts and make us bold.

May we now, both old and young,

Speak your love in every tongue.



Based on lections from RCL (A) for Pentecost:

Numbers 11:24 -30; Psalm 104:24-35b; 1 Corinthians 12:3-13 or Acts 2:1-21;

John 20:19-23 or John 7:37-39